Saturday 18 May 2013

The Name of the Doctor

Premise: The Doctor has a secret he will take to his grave. And it is discovered...

Notes: For the scenes with Clara and the Great Intelligence interacting with the Doctor's past, clips were taken from previous episodes and edited. The clips are taken from The Aztecs, The Invasion of Time, Arc of Infinity, The Five Doctors and Dragonfire. Audio was also used from An Unearthly Child, The Web Planet, The Moonbase, The Time Monster, Genesis of the Daleks, The Caves of Androzani, The Ultimate Foe (part of The Trial of a Time Lord), Parting of the Ways, Voyage of the Damned and The Pandorica Opens.

Verdict: Another underwhelming finale full of plot holes and monsters hyped up to be impressive and scary and end up doing nothing. It's also another one of Moffat's "big red button" plots in which the universe ends and comes back within a matter of minutes. However, the resolution to Clara's plot is unusually well handled and doesn't feel tired and cheap 4/10

Saturday 30 March 2013

The Bells of Saint John

Premise: The search for Clara brings the Doctor to London, 2013, where something deadly is waiting in the Wi-Fi.

Notes: The episode featured new London landmark, the Shard, which was opened to the public on the first of February, just under two months before the episode aired. Clara's book, Summer Falls, was written by Amelia Williams, a reference to the Doctor's previous companion Amy Pond who's married name was Williams. The title is a reference to the St. John Ambulance logo on the TARDIS exterior. It was originally of real life police boxes to remind the public that police officers were trained in first aid by members of the St. John Ambulance Association.

Verdict: A great urban thriller with great performances from the two leads. The villain is suitably menacing (a rare commodity in Moffat's run) and the whole production is simply a fun and exciting ride 9/10